Some Best Practices of the Hillel Educator to Nourish “The Self and Creativity”

Rabbi Joshua Bolton
May 1, 2014
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Steps out on to a roof, or leans her head out the window upon arising and expresses some sort of gratitude

Gazes at the river every time the train crosses the bridge

Studies Rebbe Nachman from Breslev

Some type of jogging or walking or biking in the woods


Tries very best to greet every person with a smile

Takes public transportation

Follows at least one popular television series

Goes to sleep by 10:30 each night, except for Shabbat

Therapy every other week is ideal – once a month essential

Stable, but fiery, relationship with a significant other and child/ren

Several bouts of intense beer drinking throughout the year

Contemplates first few lines of the weekly parsha

Keeps a list of five colleagues she calls, one per week, for professional chevrutah

Reads one section of Whitman’s Song of Myself in between Yishtabach and Barchu

When getting into bed, reviews the entirety of the days activities

Regardless of personal Shabbat practice, absolutely does not check email or Facebook from Friday night to Saturday night.

Follows at least one tumblr account devoted to Brooklyn fashion

Some daily practice of speaking to God as if to a close friend

Occasional journeys alone

Pilgrimage to Jerusalem

Raising animals or children or plants

Saturday nights look for the first three stars

Summer: Swim in at least three different bodies of water

Vitamin regimen

Conscientious practice of drinking water

Very little white flour

Studies some Talmud

Buy gifts for partner, friends

Sends thank you cards promptly and generously

Primal scream work twice a semester

Learns several niggunim

Give tzedakah every Friday afternoon and erev chag

Kisses mezuzah leaving and coming from her own apartment

Hugs and kisses people

Thinks about graffiti and performance art

Studies Zohar during summer vacation

Stays up to date with the developments of one professional sports club

Keeps list of people who need to be prayed for

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