Our Eternal Spirit

August 22, 2013
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Closing the eyes, quieting noises and confusion, doors peep open and a glint of light pierces from deep, inner memory to illuminate curiosity, hope, and wonder. Our inner worlds, the spiritual landscape is vast, perhaps as grand as the creation itself; the human spirit, our immortal soul, given by God as the breath of life is our purest, holiest treasure - it’s ours from the very beginning.

Wide Eyes asks, looking up: “According to Jewish mystical texts, how expansive is our Neshamah, our eternal spirit?”

Kabbalah separates the soul into five elements, corresponding to the five worlds:

Nephesh, related to natural instinct.
Ruach, related to emotion and morality.
Neshamah, related to intellect and the awareness of God.
Chayah, considered a part of God, as it were.
Yechidah, also termed the pintele Yid (the “essential [inner] Jew”).
This aspect is essentially one with G‑d.

Kabbalah also proposed a concept of reincarnation, the gilgul. (See also nefesh habehamit the “animal soul”).” -Wikipedia

Forgiveness is the beginning, where we can let go of that greatest sin against ourselves. It’s such fuel, in a confusing existence of Knowledge we feel so disconnected yet aren’t because Chayah will never let us fall, Neshamah shows us light, Nephesh pierces sharp, and joyful tears of Yechidah twinkle in Ruach’s bright flames.

Self hate is not worth it. Darkness s a choice, yes part of the wave and ride of existences we currently know in the fractions and refractions of our experience. Snake is greatest fear, crawls up into belly and denies access to root with doubt. Mistake not eat fruit, mistake fear love of God, is soul and reflection of true self. Jazz can’t be played a second time, it’s yours.

It’s our treasure, our gift, butterflies and glow bugs from a soft jar released to play in the fields of evergreen, dancing light.

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Lee Frankel-Goldwater is a professional environmental educator, writer, and social good project developer as well as a recent graduate of NYU's Environmental Conservation Education masters program. Lee has also studied at the Center for Creative Ecology on Kibbutz Lotan, Israel and at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. Currently he has been leading development of the Global Action Classroom, an Earth Child Institute initiative focused on global youth environmental cooperation and helping to create the Global Sustainability Fellows, a program of The Sustainability Laboratory seeking to design a new and innovative, international sustainability masters program. Other projects include: developing mobile applications for encouraging social action, mixed media video design, leading peace and environmental education workshops, and doing his best to live a life in connection with the Earth while helping others to do the same. At heart Lee is a poet, traveler, musician, and philosopher with a deep curiosity for new experiences, unfamiliar cultures, learning languages, and often dancing to the beat of a different drummer. As student of yoga, meditation, and spiritual arts, Lee aims to connect the inner journey with the outer one, hoping, as he can, to share what is learned along the way, enjoying the journey.

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