A Letter Exchange between Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi: “It is essential that all Jews understand their role as a chosen people, chosen to create and sustain Israel in all its struggles and in all its strivings” and Aryeh Bernstein: “The association of chosenness with superiority reflects the faulty assumption that what I know is all there is to be known, that I can testify to our chosenness because I remember Sinai…” … More »
Virtual Strength: How the Internet Fosters Community
People are more mobile than ever; communities and jobs are more fluid, and relationships are taking on new shapes. While we are more globally connected, we are feeling ever more alienated and desperate for rootedness, connection, and community. For those of us in the expanding Zeitgeist of virtual communities, a number of questions require consideration: How … More »
Music as Spiritual Practice: A Conversation
Aryeh Bernstein: Joey, you’ve put maniacal energy not only into making music, but also into teaching laypeople to make spiritual music. Why is music so important to our spiritual lives? Joey Weisenberg: Music teaches us how to listen — if we let it. It is through careful listening that we learn how to get “in … More »