Category Archives: Vulnerability & Embodied Practice

Answering Prayers

September 4, 2009

Shira Koch Epstein
This year when so many of us find ourselves in need, the first day of Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbat, a day on which we traditionally forgo petitionary prayers like Avinu Malkeinu. I imagine that for many of my congregants, this is a relief. For the many who do not believe in an interventionist God, is there a place in our worship for prayers of petition? More »

Facing Our Vulnerability

September 4, 2009

Leonard Gordon
To support us in our efforts to shock our congregations into a different appraisal of and response to vulnerability is the liturgy. During the High Holidays, in particular, the prayer Unitaneh Tokef — with its famous paragraph describing the many ways people might die during the coming year — can be interpreted as insisting on our vulnerability and mortality. More »

A Culture of Kashrut

September 4, 2009

MORRIS J. ALLEN A person blinded in one eye is exempt from making the pilgrimage. (Hagiga 2a) While this talmudic text is speaking only of the three-times-a-year obligation to appear in Jerusalem in ancient times — on Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot — the ancient rabbinic dictum holds great importance for modern Jews. Indeed, Abraham Joshua More »